Case Study Three

The Client Served

A county government

Before M&G Solutions

The client had room for improvement with: 

  • Existing RFI, RFQ, and RFP processes, especially in the area of collections related to RFPs.
  • The gathering and documentation of the various internal requirements, as well as inconsistencies in reviewing and scoring the responses within the county government.

The Approach 

M&G Solutions proposed to: 

  • Review and make overall recommendations to their existing RFI, RFQ, and RFP processes, including providing updated documentation.
  • Develop an RFP process and scorecard specifically for collections.
  • Provide recommendations to enhance their existing contracts with language and requirements.

After M&G Solutions

Our partners provided expertise to:

  • Deliver a comprehensive set of RFI, RFQ, and RFP documentation, including worksheets, scorecards, and training materials.
  • Devise an additional set of collections-specific materials to be leveraged for collections RFPs.

Ultimately, the client re-engaged with M&G eight months later to facilitate the release of a collections RFP and to review, assess, and score RFP responses.